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If you are our client, receive our newsletters or visit our websites you share your personal data with us. We would like to make you aware of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in relation to personal data protection, rules and associated rights.


Who is a controller?

We are Silicon Adventure s.r.o., IČO 03662861, residing at K červenému vrchu 845/2b, 160 00 Praha 6 incorporated in the Register of Companies at the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert 235876. We host and and we are a controller of your personal data. This means that we are responsible for, and control the processing of, the personal information you provide to us when using this website, in accordance with this privacy policy. As a controller, we decide how your personal data will be processed, for what purpose and length of time it will kept and we may also appoint other data processors that will support us with the processing of your data.


Contact information

If you wish to view, edit or delete your personal data or ask any related questions, please contact us by phone on +420 724 247 001 or by e-mail:



We declare that we are a controller of your personal data and as such, we are in compliance with all legal requirements of the current legislation, particularly the Data Protection Act and GDPR. Therefore we will only process your personal data when there are legitimate grounds to do so, especially where there is a legitimate interest, contractual obligations, legal obligations or when we have your consent. In accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR, we comply with the obligation to notify you prior to us processing your personal data. You will have our support should you wish to exercise your rights in line with the Data Protection Act and GDPR.


What data we collect and for what purpose

We process personal information you entrust us with for the following purposes:

  • Provision of services, contractual obligations
    Your personal details, such as your e-mail, full name, phone number and town are all required to fulfil contractual obligations, e.g. to send you detailed information on seminars you have signed up for, arranging carshare, etc.

  • Accounting
    We need your personal details (invoicing details) to comply with all legal requirements for issuing and keeping records of all invoices and bills.

  • Marketing – sending newsletters
    Your e-mail address and full name are required if you wish to receive our newsletter emails about Andrew’s programmes in the Czech Republic and you have subscribed to them via the subscription form on this website.
    If you participated in or booked any of our events we collect information you provided to us when registering, usually your full name, email address, town and phone number. The data we keep about you is kept to a minimum.
    If you are our customer we have a legitimate interest do so as we have a reason to believe you are interested in our news, for up to 5 years after your last registration. If you are not our customer we are sending you our newsletter emails based on your consent, for up to 5 years from receiving your consent. In both cases, you can revoke your consent by using the Unsubscribe link you can find in every newsletter e-mail you receive from us.

  • Advanced marketing with your consent
    Only if we have your consent will we send you inspirational newsletters from third parties, for up to 5 years of receiving your consent. You can revoke your consent by using the Unsubscribe link you can find in every newsletter e-mail you receive from us.

  • Photos and videos from our workshops
    We take photos and videos during some of our seminars. Some of these photos are used in our marketing materials, particularly our website. The videos are available to the online participants of our seminars. We will never disclose the names of the participants in these materials. Should you wish not to appear on the photographs, please let us know. We will keep your personal data during the period of limitation unless the statutory limitation period is longer or we have stated otherwise in specific cases.



When you visit our website, we record your IP address, how long you stay on our website and which website you have arrived from. We use cookies to track the visits to our website. We will only use cookies for providing targeted advertisement when we have your consent. Should you wish to reject or block the use of cookies, you can do so at any time, usually by clicking „Help“ in your browser.


How we store and process your data

We store collected data in our internal computer systems, where only a limited number of people can access it. We protect your personal data to the maximum extent using modern technologies available to us at the time. We protect it as our own data. We have implemented all currently known technical and organisational measures to prevent misuse, corruption or destruction of your personal data.


Sharing your information with third parties

We provide collected data to our organisers who use it exclusively for provision of services connected to us. Your data can only be accessed by our co-workers who are all bound by non-disclosure agreements and have been trained on safe processing of personal data. We do disclose or transfer your data or personal information to other companies, data processors to perform any necessary functions on our behalf (such as Smartemailing, Fakturoid, Facebook, Google, Body Adventure). It is possible we may choose to utilise other applications and data processors in future to simplify and improve data processing. We commit to you that in such cases, we will apply the same stringent criteria we abide by ourselves.


Transfers of your information out of the EEA

We process data exclusively in the EEA or in countries that provide an adequate level of data protection in line with the directive of the European Commission.


Your rights

In order to process any of the requests listed below, we may need to verify your identity for your security. In such cases your response will be necessary for you to exercise this right.  If you wish to exercise any of these rights please contact us by e-mail:


The right to access information we hold about you

You can contact us to request details concerning the information we hold about you, why we have that information. We will respond within 30 days.


The right to correct and update the information we hold about you

If the data we hold about you is out of date, incomplete or incorrect, you can inform us and we will ensure that it is updated.


The right to have your information erased

If you feel that we should no longer be using your data or that we are illegally using your data, you can request that we erase the data we hold. When we receive your request, we will confirm whether the data has been deleted or tell you the reason why it cannot be deleted. You can also limit the extent of personal data we keep or the purpose for processing it. For example, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter and thus limit data processing when it comes to sending commercial updates.


The right to data portability

You have the right to request that we transfer your data to another controller. We will require 15 days to process your request. The right to object to processing of your data You have the right to request that we stop processing your data. We will contact you to tell you if we are able to comply or if we have legitimate grounds to continue. If data is no longer processed, we may continue to hold your data to comply with your other rights. We will respond within 30 days.


The right to be forgotten

Another right you have is the right to be forgotten. We do not want to forget about you, however, should you wish us to do so you can exercise this right. In such cases, we will delete all your personal data from our system and the systems of all our sub-contractors and back-up systems. Under certain circumstances, we are bound by legal obligations to retain your data, for example we need to keep invoice records for a period of time set by law. In these cases, we will delete all your personal data that we are not legally bound to retain. We will inform you by email when the data has been deleted.


Lodging a complaint with the Authority for Personal Data Protection

If you feel we are not processing your data in compliance with the law, you have the right to complain at the Authority for Personal Data Protection. If you hold suspicion your data is not being processed correctly, we would very much appreciate it if you could contact us in the first instance and give us the opportunity to look into it and rectify any wrongdoing. The right to ask us to stop contacting you with direct marketing Newsletters with inspirations or with information about our programme are only sent to you in two cases. You are either our customer and it is in your legitimate interest to receive them or you are not our customer, however, you have given us your consent to do so. In both cases, you unsubscribe from our newsletters by clicking on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of each newsletter email.



We would like to assure you that our co-workers that process your personal data are all bound to keep your personal data confidential and they are not allowed to disclose any information about the safety measures in place to protect your personal data. Your personal data will not be disclosed to any third parties without your consent.


This privacy policy will be effective from 25th May, 2018 and they replace our previous Privacy Policy.

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